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安恒公司 / 产品信息 / NetFlow Tracker获得Product Leadership Awards 2008银奖
NetFlow Tracker获得Product Leadership Awards 2008银奖
2008-04-12    安恒公司 市场部       阅读:

Product Leadership Awards 2008: Network behavior analysis

Fluke Networks NetFlow Tracker

The silver award in our network behavior analysis category was captured by NetFlow Tracker from Fluke Networks. This tool uses flow information from Cisco IOS NetFlow, as well as native flow standards from other vendors, including Juniper, Nortel, Enterasys and Huawei.

NetFlow Tracker scored quite well across the board, with particularly high praise for its vulnerability detection accuracy and multiple source monitoring. Seventy-two percent of Product Leadership survey respondents gave it high marks for identifying network problems, with one user remarking that he used it only for troubleshooting and still got his money's worth.

Fluke Networks touts its product's ability to provide per-minute data conversation resolution, in addition to traffic identification based on deep packet inspection, all without having to deploy probes or appliances throughout the network.

责任编辑: admin

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